By Laurie Gray
When looking at philanthropy in different countries it becomes evident that the reasons why citizens choose to give financial and of themselves can be extremely diverse. However, countries goals with these actions of giving and helping those within their society are quite similar.
While looking at philanthropy within India’s culture, it is important to understand that much of the actions done by citizens are focused primarily on their religious choice. Much of the India’s religion, like Hinduism and Buddhism are based on the ideas of giving (admin, 2007). This is a much like the American traditions where philanthropy heritage can also be traced back to religious roots. However, many of India’s communities have continued to support charities through their religious choices. Many of the giving that happens within these communities is directly based to cultural traditions that support the understanding that charitable acts towards others within their communities will lead to their own salvation in life. With this beliefs it has encourage a further development on how people within these communities show charity to others through informal means compared to formal established charities. In the Islamic religion giving is an important action that their followers must act on as they give a percentage of their yearly savings and income from their agriculture production during their celebration of Ramadan. Much of the financial support given during this time must find there way directly in supporting education within their own communities. Philanthropy is also seen as a social obligation that is support through religious beliefs and the feeling of duty that this country is felt sacred in the religious practices.
Philanthropy within the Indian culture is an every going phenomenon with the entrance of volunteering, and cooperate giving however faith based giving and donating are still the primary source of philanthropy within India’s communities. Cooperate philanthropy has been headed mainly by Tata Industries, a family run business which was founded in 1868 (“Evolving corporate philanthropy,” 2003). This company is easily one of the largest within India and they support a large adult literacy program which is a program that works to fight against the large amount of illiteracy within this country. Even thought this company represents cooperate philanthropy, they very much carry on with the basic and traditional ideals that have been carried through the vast history of India. Family, support and growth are only three of the main reasons why Tata Industries continue to support their communities. Volunteering within Indian’s culture also has made a strong presence along side cooperate philanthropy. Volunteerism has been seen to be directed towards self-ruling, nonviolence, and service for those who are within their community. India’s struggle towards freedom has brought forth a new a developed meaning for many who do participate within the ever growing volunteering movement.
India is an every changing society that struggles daily with poverty, illiteracy, and other hardships that affect their population. Philanthropy will continue to be a support for this developing nation as they maintain the goals of working to end poverty, and furthering to strengthen their country.
Works Cited
Admin, . (2007, August 31). India. Retrieved from
Evolving corporate philanthropy in india. (2003, September 16). Retrieved from