Sisters Netcare Services, Accra, Ghana

sduncan post on January 29th, 2013
Posted in West Africa Tags: , ,

By Anita Kyere

The effects of colonization has affected the Africa greatly. It has left the continent in a dismal position where it is hard to be self reliant. The effects of colonisation has left Africa with little resources to be self reliant and productive to have a rich economy. Those affected greatly by the effects of colonisation have been women and children. The inequality that women have faced have left them helpless to create self identity and financially independent, and difficult for them to care for their children. Many of them are left to care for a family without any financial support, and are mentally isolated from their community and family by the effects of poverty. How they are able to survive these great circumstances is one of divine intervention.

Many charities in North America focus greatly on appeasing immediate needs because the society and economy is stable enough for the people to help reverse the effects of poverty. There are greater opportunities for individuals to improve the quality of their lives. In Africa those opportunities are scarce. They rarely occur, in which many people die poor without having the opportunity to experience a life of quality and comfort that every human being deserves to have. Many charities focused in Africa are working to make the people self reliant, and develop productive businesses in order to live more comfortable lives. These charities are aiming to eliminate poverty in Africa, and the only way to eliminating poverty is to create a system that would allow Africa to develop a strong and stable economy, that can compete in the world market.

Sisters Netcare Services is a not-for-profit organization that is connected with the International Association of Charities stationed in Belgium. SNS works directly out of Accra in Ghana, in which they hold training workshops for disadvantaged women who have no form income and are destitute. The training workshops prepare them to make beautiful African art and garments to sell and profit from. The goal is to help these women become self-reliant so that they can foster a sense of self worth and create a positive identity for themselves. In addition, they can share their skills with other women and spread their business. SNS is able to support these women from private donations and grants from the International Association of Charities.

This charity is beneficial to the African society because it improves the self esteem of women, while fostering economic independence. It gives opportunity for a greater life to these individuals and their community, who would otherwise die destitute.

Works Cited

Zmudzki, M. (2006). Sisters Netcare Services. Retrieved from

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